Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Deadlifts, Push-ups, Squats

Workout 21 September 2010:

Snatch-grip Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Rounds in 12 minutes of:
25 Push-ups (hand release)
50 Squats

Deadlifts: 95-115-135-145-155lbs
PU/Squats: 4+13

Previous best: none

Today's workout was done at CrossFit Confluence. We started out with snatch-grip deadlifts using a hook grip. I'd never done these before, so I started light and slowly worked up to a more challenging weight. The limiting factor on this lift was my hook grip. Once the weight got heavier, it became much more difficult and uncomfortable to hold the bar. It is certainly a stronger grip than the standard, but takes time to build up the required strength and flexibility to use it with heavier weights. Next time, I'll probably start at 135lbs and work up in 5-10 increments.

Once done with the DLs, we did the push-ups and squats. For the push-ups, we had to lift our hands from the ground at the bottom of each rep. This makes the push-ups much more challenging as you cannot take advantage of a chest bump to move into the next rep more easily. My goal was four rounds, so I was happy with today's results. Next time, I need to work more on keeping my torso straight and not "snake" as I fatigue.

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