Saturday, September 4, 2010

Deadlift and AMRAP

Workout 4 September 2010:

Deadlift, 1 rep max

Rounds/reps in 12 minutes of:
185lb Deadlift, 3 reps
Box jump (24 inch), 6 reps
Push-ups, 9 reps

Score is 1RM + reps

Results: 275lbs + 216 reps = 491
Previous best: none

This workout was courtesy CrossFit Confluence. For the first part of the workout, we were given 12 minutes to get a deadlift one rep max. I avoid heavy deadlifts due to my back, so I went relatively easy and stopped at 275lbs. I went all out for the second half of the workout and was able to complete a round per minute using a 185lb deadlift. I pushed myself harder than usual since I was sharing equipment with another person and had I stopped to catch my breath, I would probably have to let him pass me. My glutes and hamstrings are going to be screaming at me tomorrow.

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