Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Workout 29 July 2009:

Shoulder press, five sets of one rep
Push press, five sets of three reps
Push jerk, five sets of five reps

Rest as needed between all sets

SP: 135-135-135-135-135
PP: 125-125-125-135-135
PJ: 120-125-125-125-125(failed final rep)

Previous best:
SP: 125-130-135-140-140
PP: 125-135-140-145-150
PJ: 110-115-120-120-120(failed final rep)
(25 Jan 09)

I was able to put up more weight today than I was expecting given the decreased amount of overhead lifting I've done in the last 3-4 months. I know I could have put up more weight on the push press, but I'm still being careful with heavy dynamic lifting overhead. My push jerk weights were better than my previous best numbers simply because I didn't go as heavy on the push press.

When doing the push press or push jerk, it's critical to make sure you don't lean forward during the dip. This will almost always result in a failed rep at heavy weights. Also make sure that at the beginning of each rep, your elbows are in front of the bar. Many people have a tendency to drop their elbows them behind the bar after the first rep when doing sets of multiples.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Shitting yourself when you deadlift was omitted from [Starting Strength]. The best way to avoid this is to not deadlift when you need to shit, and vice versa. Planning is the key here."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Front Squat

Workout 28 July 2009:

Front Squat, five sets of three reps

Results: 155-155-155-165-165lbs
Previous best: 145-160-170-180-190 (12 Nov 08)

Still working on slowly increasing the weight back to my previous best squats. Today's squats felt good and didn't hurt my back at all. Next time I'm hoping to get a couple sets at 175.

Unlike back squats, front squats ARE meant to recruit your quads more than the hamstrings. However, to make sure your hamstrings get some stimulus, push through your heels. You should be able to (but don't focus on it) lift your toes off the ground the entire time while squatting. Also, be sure to keep your chest and elbows up in a solid rack position.

Mark Rippetoe Quotes of the Day:
"As for the definitions of butt wink and butt-wink Nazi, the first is obscene and scatological, and the second is not discussable due to European Union restrictions."

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Workout 26 July 2009:

Power Snatch, 75 reps, 45lbs, for time

Results: 9'30
Previous best: none

Since I've been working on my snatch a bit recently now that my back is improving, I figured this new workout would be a good way to get some practice in. My goal was to complete it in less than 10 minutes, so I'm happy with the time. The full version of "Randy" is 75lbs, but since I'm still working on form, I used just the barbell. Overall, my snatch is still limited by poor flexibility, but a light-weight power snatch (where you don't catch the bar in as low a position as a regular snatch) is not affected as much. It's always a good workout when you're lying on the ground for five minutes afterwards catching your breath.

If you can't power snatch a 45lb barbell, use a women's barbell, a long piece of PVC pipe, or a broom handle. Just get something over your head!

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"It is not necessary to bump the shins with the bar, or dig a ditch in the shins on the way up. Good control of the weight is necessary to avoid this, and it should be avoided or sores get established on the shins that will be a problem for a long time - every time the trainee deadlifts he will break the sore open and make a big mess on his socks or worse, the bar."

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Workout 25 July 2009

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Results: 41 bench press @ 145lbs, 38 strict pull-ups
Previous best: 49 bench press @ 150lbs, 55 strict pull-ups (17 Apr 09)

Today's workout showed a significant decline in performance compared to the last time. I actually intended to bench 150lbs, but didn't have 2.5lb plates. The decreased numbers are a result of deconditioning, since I'm only getting to the gym 2-3 times a week compared to 5-6 prior to starting residency, as well as being tired after a very busy 13 hour shift. Hopefully these numbers don't decline much further, though some is inevitable.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"When there's 1003 pounds on the bar, the universe would like there to be a vertical bar path."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Three Compound

Workout 20 July 2009:

Rounds in 20 minutes of:
65lb Thruster, 5 reps
65lb Hang Power Clean, 7 reps
65lb Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Results: 8 rounds + 5,7
Previous best: 5 rounds + 5,7 @ 90lbs (5 Nov 08)

I'm not going to make much attempt to compare today's results to the last time I did this at a much higher weight. I probably could have safely gone up to 75lbs, but again, no need to risk further back injury, especially with three compound movements. I had a goal of getting eight rounds in, but I knew that was setting a low goal. I probably could have upped the intensity and completed 10 rounds. Good workout, but I could have done it better.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"What we're trying to do is get things fixed, not allow them to stay broke."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hang Power Snatches

Workout 19 July 2009:

Hang Power Snatch, ten sets of one rep

Results: 65/75/85/95/95/95/95/95/100/100lbs
Previous best: none

My biggest disadvantage when it comes to the Olympic lifts, and snatches in particular, is poor flexibility. Although I've recently made some decent gains in flexibility, those are quickly going away since I don't have enough time to include the foam rolling and PNF stretching I was able to do daily for a couple of months. The result of this inflexibility is that I cannot move myself quickly enough into an optimal catch position for the lifts. End result, I can't lift very much weight. I also don't trust my back enough yet to go heavy on such a dynamic and explosive lift. Regardless, even though I muscled up a couple of the lifts, this was still a good workout for developing explosive strength.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
On dropping the bar without guiding it down:

"Why would you treat the barbell that way? The barbell is your friend."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Helen's Evil Stepsister

Workout 18 July 2009:

Three rounds for time of:
400m run
21 dumbbell swings (25lb)
12 hand-stand push-ups

Results: 20'25
Previous best: none

It's been nearly a week since my last workout due to some back issues as well as putting in long hours at work. It felt good to get back, but I could definitely see the results of too little sleep and food. I was hoping to do this workout in about 15 minutes. I ran a bit slower than usual, and the HSPUs just killed me. I could have easily gone heavier on the DB swings, but I'm not risking aggravating my back.

The hospital at which I'm working this month has a gym on the top floor. It's reasonably well-equiped and I should be able to do about half of my workouts there as needed. I prefer my basement and the other two gyms to which I belong, but this is particularly convenient.

Scale the dumbbell weight up or down as needed. Even better, use a kettlebell. If my back were 100%, I'd be using a 24kg kettlebell. If you can't do HSPU, do the same number of push presses with a barbell at about 50-75% bodyweight depending on ability.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"It doesn't matter where you want the bar to be. The bar gets to decide."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bench Press

Workout 10 July 2009:

Bench Press, five sets of five reps

Results: 5x5 at 170lbs
Previous best: 5x5 at 175lbs (13 Mar 09)

I originally planned to do this workout at 175lbs to match my previous best but decided that since I was tired and doing it alone, it would be safer to scale back 5lbs. That way there would be no failed reps or a trip to the hospital. I spend enough time there.

The 170lbs felt very heavy. Whether this is just strength loss for not having benched in a month or just being generally tired, I cannot say. Next time, I'll probably start at 170lbs again and if it feels good, I'll increase to 175 mid-set.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"I recommend against a wooden squat rack for much the same reason that I recommend against a wooden car."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Muay Thai and Squats

Workout 9 July 2009:

Muay Thai training and conditioning, 30 minutes

Back Squat, seven sets of one rep

Results (squats) 185-185-185-195-205-205-205
Previous best: no prior 1x7, 1RM is 275lb (18 Feb 08)

I started out with the Muay Thai training. I was exhausted from work and perhaps a little delirious, so I only went at about 90% intensity. I worked primarily on power punch combinations and finished with the triple punch pyramid like last time. I'm going to keep doing that until I stop hating it.

I'm still cautious about going very heavy with the squats, but I lifted about 75% of my previous max without aggravating my back too much, so it's still slowly healing.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Am I offending anyone right now? No? Well, that's unfortunate."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Squats and Rope

Workout 5 July 2009:

Five rounds for time of:
65lb front squat, 21 reps
21 Double-unders

Results: 14'30
Previous best: none

I worked over 30 of the last 40 or so hours, so I wanted a quick workout that had a small strength component and would be decent metabolic conditioning. I kept the front squats very light and high volume since my brain is pretty much fried and going heavy could be dangerous. Given how I felt going in, I'm happy with the time. The first couple of rounds of double-unders slowed me down since I couldn't get many in a row. By round four, muscle memory set in and I was doing up to 15 in a row.

As a reminder, double unders are like regular jump rope except the rope passes twice for each jump. The key is getting your wrists moving fast enough and simply takes practice. If you can't do double unders, do 42 single jumps per round. Afterwards, practice DUs as a cool down, even if it means only doing one at a time.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Gravity always goes straight down. Unless they're disturbing the ionosphere with those heaters they have."

Friday, July 3, 2009


Workout 3 July 2009:

Deadlift, seven sets of one rep

Results: 205/215/225/225/225/225/225lbs
Previous best: 285/295/300/305/305/310/310lbs (8 Mar 09)

Since my back has felt pretty good recently, I decided to do some moderately heavy deads. I focused on proper form, ensuring my lower back did not become rounded. The lifts felt good so I should be able to go up another 10-20lbs next time. Still quite a bit off from my PRs, but no use buying more recovery time.

On any day with heavy sets of 1 or 3 rep(s), make sure you rest at least 3-5 minutes between sets.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Yes, it is the law here that un-aged cheese must be made from pasteurized milk. I mean, really, what good is having a federal government if it can't make eating cheese safer for everybody?

Imagine the landscape littered with the corpses of innocent children whose immune systems were not up to the challenge. Is that what you really want?"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pull-ups and Runs

Workout 2 July 2009:

For time:
Run 800 meters
20 L-pull-ups
Run 800m
30 strict pull-ups
Run 800m
40 kipping pull-ups

Results: 24'55, runs on treadmill at 1% incline
Previous best: none

New workout today. I tried to combine one of my current strengths (short distance runs) with something that's been falling behind lately (the pull-ups). The hardest part of the workout was definitely the first two sets of pull-ups. I did each with a standard overhand pull-up grip. I also forced myself to do nearly a full lock-out at the bottom of each L-pull-up, which is something I've had difficulty with in the past. The kipping pull-ups went well as did the runs.

L-pull-ups are very similar to strict pull-ups except you flex your hips so your legs are at a 90 degree angle to your torso. This puts an incredible demand on the core and also activates your lats more for stabilization. If you can't do these, try jumping L-pull-ups or one legged L-pull-ups, alternating legs each rep.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
Responding to someone who asked if it was ok to do other exercises in addition or instead of those selected by that person's personal trainer:

"Never, and I mean NEVER, try anything that someone in authority, like me, has not specifically approved in advance. This is not allowed, and is specifically prohibited, because if you do this irresponsible thing, this 'Trying Things For Yourself,' you might learn on your own, and again, this is PROHIBITED."