Saturday, July 10, 2010

Snatch Swing Squat

Workout 10 July 2010:

Four rounds of:
Run 400m
2-3 minutes rest

Three rounds for time of:
20 Dumbbell one-arm snatch, (10 per arm)
20 Dumbbell swings
20 One-legged squats, alternating

Results: 15'11 (30lb dumbbell, 10lb dumbbell for squats)
Previous best: none

This is my second workout at CrossFit Confluence. We started out with a 4x400m as a warm-up and also a skill session to practice forefoot (Pose) running. Each round focused on a different aspect of the Pose running technique- hamstring kick, "scraping" the ground, and utilizing elbow drive. We went at 60% intensity for the first three rounds, then 90% intensity the last round. I was able to run the final 400m in just over 1'20.

The workout itself was a challenging metcon. None of the individual exercises were particularly difficult, but the combination quickly wore me out, especially after the warm-up. The snatches were actually quite easy since I had been used to doing heavier weight in my past kettlebell classes. The swings were also relatively easy. What slowed me down the most were the one-legged squats and that was primarily due to muscle fatigue. I used a 10lb dumbbell for counterbalance as discussed in a recent post. Overall, great workout, and all the encouragement at Confluence was appreciated. Next time, I'll try for a 35lb dumbbell or kettlebell.

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