Monday, April 27, 2009

Rings and Squats

Workout 27 April 2009:

Three rounds for time of:
21 Ring L-pull-ups
42 Squats

Results: 13'50
Previous best: none

Today's workout was new and I designed it to emphasize the antagonist muscles of those that were heavily worked yesterday so I wouldn't become excessively sore. The overhead squats require a lot of stabilization from the anterior shoulders, traps, and triceps. Due to my relative inflexibility, my OHS tend to be quad dominant as I can't sit back far enough to recruit more of my hamstrings or glutes. The pull-ups work the posterior shoulder, lats, and biceps. I am flexible enough to maintain good form on the air squats, so I made sure to drive heavily with the hips and hamstrings. As far as time, I was aiming for under 15 minutes, so I'm pleased with the results. I flew through the air squats and was limited by muscle fatigue from the L-pull-ups.

I usually do not care about which muscle groups each workout uses and you'll see that I often have two or three days in a row of working the same muscle groups. Today however, I was quite sore from yesterday's workout, so to avoid injury, I thought specifically about which muscle groups I should and should not use.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
In reference to a bicyclist who seemed to be saying that riding was similar to squats since they both made your legs hurt:
"Yes they both hurt, but so do burning your hand and burying your bulldog. The differences are actually quite significant."

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