Thursday, April 30, 2009

Muay Thai and Chin-Ups

Workout 30 April 2009:

Muay Thai training and conditioning, 30 minutes

Weighted chin-ups
Two sets of three reps each of:
25lb, 30lb, 35lb, 40lb, 45lb

It's been about two weeks since I last did any Muay Thai. Since it involves a lot of trunk twisting, I avoided it to spare my back. It also helped that my trainer was on vacation for about a week and a half. We worked primarily on punches, keeping them clean and tight.

I am going to start including a short strength-based workout after each Muay Thai session. Today I decided to do weighted chin-ups using dumbbells held between my ankles. I kept it somewhat light and since I was able to do it without any problems, I can definitely go up next time.

Over the next two weeks, I'm going to showcase some stretches that I've found effective both as rehab for my back and also for improving my hip mobility and flexibility which has always been a problem.

The first is for the lower back as well as the transversus abdominus and obliques. Unlike most stretches which I only do after a workout, I also do this set first thing in the morning when my back is the most stiff to get it loosened up enough.

Lower back, TA, and obliques:
1) Lying down with your back on the floor, straighten one leg while bending the knee of the other leg, and try to bring the thigh of your bent leg as close as possible to your chest. Hold it there for 10-15 seconds.

2) Cross your bent leg over your straight leg and try to touch your knee to the floor (while trying to keep both shoulders on the ground).

3) Repeat this with the other leg.

4) Now, bend both knees and bring both thighs up against your chest (keeping your back on the floor). Hold that for 10-15 seconds.

5) Put both feet on the ground but keep the knees bent. While trying to keep both shoulders on the ground, roll your legs over to one side and try to get your knees to touch the floor beside you. Hold for about 10-15 seconds and then do the same thing on the other side.

6) Repeat the same stretch, but this time begin with your feet on the floor so that your legs are bent at the knee at about a 90 degree angle.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Milk is quite literally better than steroids for a novice lifter to grow on, and no supplement produces the same effect."

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