Monday, April 6, 2009

Muay Thai and Rehab

Workout 6 April 2009:

Muay Thai training, 30 minutes

Weighted Chin-ups, four sets of five reps
Set 1: 20lbs
Set 2: 22.5lbs
Set 3: 25lbs
Set 4: 30lbs
Back Squat, five sets of five reps at 95lbs
Deadlift, three sets of five reps at 95lbs

I continued to work on cleaning up my punches as well as making some adjustments in my right body kick. The kick is coming along well and I am kicking significantly higher than I was a few weeks ago. Most of this is due to foam rolling and myofascial release resulting in better flexibility.

The "rehab" workout served two purposes. The chin-ups were legitimate strength training, although the weight is still a bit light. The back squats and deadlifts were kept extremely light to see how well my back would tolerate these movements. Everything was done without any significant pain, so after four long weeks, I think it's finally time to start slowing increasing the weight and intensity of my workouts.

I also discovered an amazing (i.e. very painful yet effective) stretch for my anterior shoulders and lats. Check out Kelly's post over at San Francisco CrossFit.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
In response to the following question: "A guy in my gym told me that his friend did the gallon of milk a day diet...and ended up losing all his hair. He claimed that the doctors told his friend it was because of all the milk he was drinking. Do you know if there is any truth to this?"

Rip's answer: "Hmm, the only adverse effects I actually know about the GOMAD is the fact that it makes your dick shorter, but I never considered it important enough to mention. I'll have to add the baldness warning to the list immediately, because THAT'S not something to be taken lightly."

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