Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Power Snatch and Pushups

Workout 2 December 2009:

Rounds in 20 minutes of:
50lb Power Snatch, 12 reps
10 Push-ups

Results: 8 rounds
Previous best: none

New workout today and it was especially painful since I did it after working a 30-hour shift with only three hours of sleep. I fatigued relatively quickly, but more so, I had a hard time mentally pushing myself through the workout. Given the circumstances, eight rounds isn't too bad, but I should be able to slam out 10 when I'm more awake and alert. I also chose to go very light on the snatches since this movement requires a fair amount of concentration and skill. Next time, I'll probably go up to 55-60lbs with an eventual goal of 65lbs.

When choosing a weight for the power snatch, don't go heavy. This workout is supposed to be fast and intense, so make sure you pick a weight that allows you do to at least 6-8 snatches in a row before having to put the bar down. If your form isn't great, do this workout with an unweighted bar or even a dowel or piece of PVC pipe.

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