Thursday, May 21, 2009


Workout 21 May 2009:

Deadlift, five sets of three reps, 185lbs

Cool down, 100 double-unders

Today's deadlifts were done at a little over my 1-rep maximum since I'm still trying to prevent re-injury of my back. All the reps went well, and my back tolerated the work without any significant problems. I should be able to go to a little over 200lbs next time. As with my squat, since I did a "light" weight today, I focused on form. I was especially conscious of my lower back position during the lifts, making sure I didn't round my back.

The double-unders were as a cool down for the day. Just as I'm trying to incorporate some additional strength work on days that I do Thai kickboxing, I'm going to try to add in some cardio/skill work on purely strength days. Next time I do double-unders, I'll record the time so I can track it.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"The only time LSD (long slow distance) is necessary is if you're going to compete in a sport that requires it. It is far inferior to CrossFit-type metcon for producing an increase in VO2 max, it interferes with power and strength production, it can be quite catabolic and immune-suppressive in high doses, it destroys muscle mass, and the people that do it usually wear silly clothes."

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