Monday, March 2, 2009


Workout 2 March 2009:

30 Muscle-ups for time

Results: 12'06
Previous best: 14'55 (14 Oct 08)

I was a little worried going into today's workout that it might bother my elbows. Whenever I do a lot of muscle-ups or cleans, I tend to get a flare of epicondylitis in my elbows, and since Saturday's workout was a lot of cleans, I wasn't sure how well things would go. However, I was able to complete the workout without a problem. The muscle-ups went very well and I'm happy with shaving almost 3 minutes off my time. I still don't have complete range of motion (I don't start with fully extended elbows), but today felt like an improvement over last time. Since I've done well working on my range of motion for L-pull-ups, now it's time to do the same thing here.

A muscle-up is a combination pull-up and dip done on a pair of rings. You start hanging from the rings with a false grip, do a pull-up, then transition into pressing up from a dip so that you end up locked out above the rings. The most difficult part is fluidly transitioning from the pull to press. Check out this Beast Skills article for information on how to work up to doing muscle-ups. If you can't do muscle-ups but have a pair of rings, do 60 false-grip pull-ups and 60 ring dips instead. If you don't have rings, do 90 pull-ups and 90 dips.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day
In response to:
"If you had to choose between wearing no shoes or running shoes to lift in which would you pick?"

Rip's response: "That is like asking me to choose between stabbing myself in the eye with a fork or burning the roof of my mouth with extremely hot pizza. Can't we just avoid both?"

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