Friday, February 20, 2009

CrossFit Total

Workout 20 February 2009:

CrossFit Total
Sum of one rep max of each:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

Squat 275
Press 155
Dead 345
Total 775lbs

Previous Best:
Squat 285
Press 145
Dead 330
Total 760lbs (17 Feb 08)

This is my benchmark workout for pure strength. My previous best total came about a year ago, as above. Between then and now, I did this workout two other times with poor results: 730 (Jul 08) and 705lbs (Nov 08). I was particularly disappointed with the November effort since that result was a loss of around 10% of my peak strength. Since then, I have been incorporating or adding in more strength-based workouts. This effort definitely paid off as shown by my new CFT personal best. As indicated in my New Year Resolutions post, my goal for the CFT is 800lbs and with today's effort, I am now only 25lbs away.

I encourage everyone to use this workout as his or her own benchmark for strength. All the exercises can be safely done alone (note that a bench press is NOT included). Here's how to actually do the workout.

First, go for your one-rep max for the back squat. Warm up with a few sets of three reps of the back squat, increasing the weight each time. Then do a couple of sets of two reps, again with increasing weight. Finally, do one or two sets of one rep at a weight somewhat close to what you think your max might be. Once you've sufficiently warmed up, then you have three chances to go for the highest weight for one rep. If you fail a rep, it counts as one of your three "attempts" but you can't actually count it for your score. As I've talked before about squats, for the rep to count, you must drop to a depth such that your hips are below parallel with your knees. No cheating with partial depth squats. Rest as much as you need between sets. I typically rest 1-2 minutes between warm-up sets and then 3-4 minutes between the three one-rep max attempts.

Next, move on to the shoulder press. Do the same warm-up scheme as for the squats. Then, do your three attempts at the one-rep max. Rest as needed. For the rep to count, you must reach full extension in your arms and lock out the weight overhead.

Finally, do the deadlifts. Same warm-up then three max attempts and rest as needed. For the rep to count, the barbell must start and end on the floor in a controlled manner. No dropping the weight at the top of the lift.

Add up the maximum weight for each exercise, and you have your Total.

For a detailed explanation of the workout, click here.

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