Sunday, August 30, 2009

Squats and Deads

Workout 30 August 2009:

Back Squat, seven sets of one rep

Deadlift, five sets of five reps

Squats: all sets at 205lbs
Previous best: 185-185-185-195-205-205-205lbs (9 Jul 09)

Deads: all sets at 185lbs
Previous best: 185-205-235-255-275lbs (9 Apr 09)

I had no intentions of going particularly heavy in today's workout. It's been almost a week since my last workout, and though my back is currently feeling pretty good, I didn't want to overdo it. Had I just done either squats or deads and not both, I would have gone heavier.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"In my gym, you get spotters, you safely dump it backwards loaded with the bumper plates, or you learn how to accurately judge your ability. If you dump the bar on rails or pins or anything else in here, I will beat the cum out of you with the remnants of the bar."

Friday, August 21, 2009


Workout 21 August 2009:

Time for 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
Double unders
Sit Ups (Abmat)

Results: 14'50
Previous best: 13'40 (standard sit-ups, 3 Jan 09)

For whatever reason, I had a hard time stringing together multiple double unders today. The sit-ups went reasonably well and I probably did them faster than last time. A few months ago I did this workout in 14'40 with Abmat sit-ups and was hoping to beat that score today. With a little more success on the double unders, I should easily be able to get below 14 minutes.

If you can't do double unders, do twice as many single jumps.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
In response to the question: Are you on Facebook?

"What the fuck is Facebook?!"

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Workout 20 August 2009:

Five rounds for time of:
95lb Deadlift, 12 reps
95lb Hang power clean, 9 reps
95lb Push jerk, 6 reps

Results: 12'57
Previous best: 14'26 (13 May 09)

As mentioned previously, this workout is designed for a bar weight of 155lb, but in order to keep my back happy, I once again scaled to 95lb. Despite not spending much time in the gym, I made a nearly 90-second improvement since the last time I did this workout. I'm hoping to go up 10lbs next time I tackle this workout.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"I know who buys my books, I know what they want from barbell training, and I know that most of them will never diet most of their gains away for a physique show, shave their asses, paint themselves brown, oil themselves shiny, put on a thong, get up on a stage, and show everybody in the audience with similar problems how they look in a thong, oil, and paint."

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Workout 16 August 2009:

Rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Wallball shots, 15lb ball
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back extensions

Results: 7.33 rounds
Previous best: none

Another new workout. I did this one since I haven't done any core-centric workouts in awhile. I took this one very easy since the GHD sit-ups could easily throw out my back if not careful. I easily could have done more rounds had I not been careful with the sit-ups. Once my back is better, I should be able to do at least 10 rounds.

If you can't do this many GHD sit-ups or are new to the movement, decrease the number done per round or substitute regular sit-ups.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
When asked about dealing with knee pain, Rips answers:

"How bad is the pain? On a scale of 1 - 10, with one meaning no perception of pain at all to 10 meaning the sensation of having all of your skin pulled off and then being rolled in salt as you writhe in unspeakable agony."

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Workout 15 August 2009:

Run 5K

Results: 27'19 (outdoors)
Previous best: 23'42 (outdoors, 22 Jul 07)

Today's workout ranks in the top three times I've come closest to passing out afterwards. Running in 90 degrees when you're not used to it is unpleasant, and my time reflects that. It's also a reflection of my relative deconditioning since I don't have time to do longer metabolic conditioning workouts. Although I'm not happy with my time, it was a good workout.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"It's real neat to be a purist until reality hits you in the nose."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Workout 12 August 2009:

30 Muscle-ups for time

Results: 8'05
Previous best: 10'20 (23 Jun 09)

I really have no idea where this time came from. I went in hoping to shave another minute off my time as has been the pattern for the past several attempts at this workout. I'm hoping this wasn't just a fluke and that next time I can cut even more time off the workout.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
Rip was giving a lecture and the week prior, had torn his rotator cuff. At one point during his lecture he picked up a 45# bar and pressed it for 24 reps with perfect form. He then said:

"What a masculine thing to do, huh?"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Workout 11 August 2009:

For time:
Back squat 10,000lbs

Results: 11'45 (100 reps of 100lbs)
Previous best: none

Somehow I started talking about the Persian Immortals at work today and decided to come up with a quick workout named after them. They were an elite fighting force kept as a constant strength of exactly 10,000 men, hence squatting 10,000lbs.

I set an unrealistic goal of 10 minutes for this workout. I'm actually pleased to have finished in under 12 minutes. I was able to do 10 sets of 10 reps each time without failure, though the last 20 reps were difficult.

It's entirely possible I will not be able to walk tomorrow.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
In response to the question:
"When training an unconditioned person, how long do you suggest waiting before putting weight on the bar?"

Rip's reply: "About 3 or 4 minutes."

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Workout 9 August 2009:

Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
Overhead squat, 15 reps, 55lbs

Results: 16'49
Previous best: 17'45, 60lb OHS (6 May 08)

I'm very happy with how well today's workout went since it's been awhile since I've run or done OHS. I once again threw my back out earlier this week, so was actually a bit worried that going overhead might set me back further, so I took off a couple of pounds from the bar. This weight was perfect since I was able to do each set of 15 OHS unbroken, but not easily. I should be able to go back up to 60 next time, perhaps 65lbs.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
"Learn to use a fucking belt! Stop this bullshit! It's not cheating. A belt only makes your abs work harder."

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Workout 8 August 2009:

Rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 Bench press, 145lbs
10 Sit-ups
15 Double unders

Results: 9 rounds
Previous best: none

This was a new workout I made to get in some heavy lifting, but also have a bit of a metabolic stimulus. Unfortunately, I dogged the first 10 minutes and only got in four rounds. I made up for it with five rounds in the second half, but should have been able to get 10 rounds total. I did end up doing 10 rounds, but the last one was after the 20 minutes were complete. I should be able to hit at least 10 next time.

Mark Rippetoe Quote of the Day:
In reply to the following question:

"Coach, I train a few elite swimmers that can't even do a single pushup. What do you recommend for such an athlete?"

Rip: "Swimming ain't much of a sport, is it?"