Sunday, November 29, 2009


Workout 29 November 2009:

Run 5K

Results: 25'05 (treadmill, 1% incline)
Previous best: 22'15 (1%, 30 Nov 08)

Looks like I'm about 15% slower now than I was about this time last year. Although today's run was faster than my last 5K run (27'19, outdoors, on 15 Aug), it was a struggle to get through it. I was hoping to go at about an 8mph pace but only made it about 1.25 miles before I had to intermittently drop down to 7mph for short distances. I was never really out of breath, but just couldn't keep pace. It was a sorry run for me, but definitely a good kick in the pants and a realization I need to work harder on my metcons.

December's rotation is supposed to be a bit easier than this month which absolutely drained me. Hopefully I'll fit in more workouts, and be able to push harder.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Workout 22 November 2009:

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
Sit-ups (Abmat)

Results: 13'00
Previous best: 14'40 (Abmat, 22 Oct 09), 13'40 (no Abmat, 3 Jan 09)

After two days of heavy strength work, I decided on a fast, intense metcon workout. Today's time is a great improvement over my previous best with the Abmat, and was actually better than my best time doing regular sit-ups which are moderately faster. I was able to frequently string 10-20 jumps in a row and also powered through the sit-ups despite my core being slightly sore from the heavy squats. Great workout today.

If you can't do double-unders, you have several options for this workout. First, you could use it as a skill day and focus on just getting through the workout (not timed) doing all the required reps even if they're one at a time. Second, you could sub three single rope jumps for each double under. Third, you can do tuck jumps instead of double-unders as a 1:1 sub. A tuck jump is where you jump straight up as high as possible and bring your knees to your chest at the apex of the jump. It's important to keep your chest as high as possible and minimize rounding your back. Stand tall and jump tall!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weighted Pull-ups

Workout 21 November 2009:

Weighted Pull-ups, seven sets of one rep

Results: 55-65-70-75**-80*-85*-90*lbs
Previous best: 55-60-65-70-75*-80*-85*lbs (28 Sep 09)
*supine (chin) grip; **alternate grip

Since yesterday was a taxing lower-body strength day, I decided to work upstairs. I'm very happy to have finally reached a 90lb chin. Now I can set my sights on 100lbs. I was actually surprised at how easy the 90lbs went up. I probably could have loaded on another 2.5-5lbs, but decided to stop since I had reached my seventh rep. Next time, the plan is to break 90.

Depending on what you have available, weighted pull-ups or chin-ups can be done with either plates loaded onto a weight belt or with a dumbbell held between your ankles. Work as heavy as you can with a standard pull-up grip, then switch over to an alternating grip (one hand palm down, other palm up) or chin-up grip at heavier weights.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Workout 20 November 2009:

Back Squat, five sets of five reps

Results: 205lbs x 5
Previous best: 165-180-195-210-220lbs (13 May 08)

After a stressful week, I needed to do a bit of heavy lifting and since my back has been behaving recently, I decided to do some relatively heavy squats. Although I've squatted as much as 220lbs for a five-rep max, my last attempt at this workout in February was a 5x5 at 210lbs, so I'm just about back to where I was prior to March's injury.

As always, when going heavy with back squats, make sure you have a spotter, are lifting in a rack that can catch the weight, or know how to properly bail. Be sure to take 5-7 minutes rest between each set.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Workout 15 November 2009:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Results: 27'50 (Abmat sit-ups)
Previous best: 24'54 (21 Nov 08, regular sit-ups)

I haven't done this workout since my back injury due to the high volume of back extensions. It's one of my favorite workouts, so I was glad to get back to it today. I'm not thrilled about the time being almost three minutes slower, but it's partly justified. I was pretty tired, so I couldn't do the runs as quickly (which were, as usual, done on a treadmill with a 1% incline). More importantly, I did the sit-ups with my Abmat, which certainly ate up more time since they're more difficult. Now that I know I can safely do this workout, I hope to bring my time back down quickly. I was excited to be able to do all 50 back extensions in only one set on the final round. It's been awhile since I've been able to do that.

When doing this workout, it's important to do all the back extensions before moving on to the sit-ups. You can certainly break up the 50 reps into more manageable sets, but no switching back and forth with the sit-ups.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Almost Total

Workout 14 November 2009:
"CrossFit Total"
One rep max of:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

Results: Squat 235, Press 140, Deadlift 285lbs (total 660lbs)
Previous best: Squat 265, Press 145, Deadlift 335lbs (745lbs)

My goal in this workout was not actually to max out any of the lifts, though I probably came very close on the press. I went about as heavy as I felt safe for my back, especially on the deadlift. Each of the "max" attempts went well and I'm sure I could have easily added a bit more weight onto each. Regardless, I'm happy my numbers are beginning to approach those prior to the back injury.

If you're doing this workout in it's true intent, that is, going for a true one-rep max, make sure you either have a spotter or are well-practiced in safely dumping weight. To do this workout, warm up as desired to approximately your target one-rep max for the squat. You then get three attempts to squat the most weight possible. If you miss, it counts as an attempt. Once done with the squat, do the same for the press. Finish with the deadlift. Ensure adequate rest between all max attempts (at least 5 minutes). Don't rest too long and cool down, however.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Workout 3 November 2009:

Back squat 10,000lbs for time

Results: 9'45
Previous best: 11'45

I had set a rather unrealistic goal of breaking the 10-minute mark for this workout but somehow managed to crush this workout. Last time, I did 10 sets of 10 reps of 100lbs. Today I did nine sets of 11 reps (plus one extra on the final set) at 100lbs. I probably won't be able to walk for the next several days, but breaking 10 minutes is definitely worth it.

I've got a rough couple of weeks at work coming up, so don't expect a new post for a little while.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Workout 1 November 2009:

30 Muscle-ups for time

Results: 9'40
Previous best: 8'05 (12 Aug 09)

Of course I went into today's workout trying to beat my last time, but I'm pretty sure that the last one was a fluke that will take awhile to repeat. Prior to the 8'05, I did the workout in 10'20, so today's time is much more in line with the latter workout. Regardless, I am getting more proficient at the movement and am glad to once again break the 10-minute mark. Perhaps next time I can get back to eight minutes.