Friday, June 25, 2010

Clean Ups

Workout 25 June 2010:

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
15 Handstand push-ups
135lb Squat clean, 20 reps
Run 550 meters

Results: 29'21
Previous best: none

Second workout in the new home gym, again picking out a few elements I couldn't have done in my previous basement gym. The muscle-ups went well, and it was great to finally be able to do ring work at home. The handstand push-ups need a lot of work. I had to break the reps up into four or five sets with a fair amount of rest between each. The run was simple enough, though tough at the end of all the cleans.
The cleans are what ended up taking up the most time. Although I've been working on them recently, I've been doing heavy sets of one or two reps. There's a fine line between doing the cleans quickly with poor form or doing them properly but much more slowly. I chose to do the latter, especially since the weight was enough that I could hurt my back without decent form.

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